Yucca Phenols
Yucca plants contain phenols. Phenol is defined as – an organic chemical compound. Phenols are what provided plants the ability to adapt and cope through the years of evolution.
Yuccaols (from the yucca plant) are yucca phenols. Yucca Phenols defined as – organic compounds derived from the yucca plant that provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Polyphenols defined as – a compound containing more than one phenol. Polyphenols are compounds naturally found in foods that come from plants. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices are examples of plants with phenols. Dark chocolate, wine, natural yucca soap and yucca body products are examples of products that contain polyphenols. (see more examples below)
Antioxidants from Yucca Phenols
Antioxidants defined as – something that slows down or prevents oxidation. Antioxidants counteract harmful free radicals. Free radicals damage cells and increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Antioxidants reduce nitric oxide, which can cause inflammation. Oxidizing agents can be harmful to the body. Antioxidants reduce oxidation and help clean the bloodstream. Antioxidants may also lessen the signs of aging by minimizing wrinkles and preserving the texture of the skin.
Polyphenols act as antioxidants. Yucca is a rich source of polyphenols.
Phenols are widely used in both household and industrial products.
Cough drops
Household cleaners
Natural Body Products
Photographic developer
Textile dyes
Wood preservatives
May have been the first surgical antiseptic.
Phenols are also used as flavorings and aromas obtained from essential oils.
Phenols are Common in Nature
Amino acids
Poison Ivy irritant
Plant phenols can provide the human body:
Defense response chemicals
Signal compounds
Ultraviolet sun protection
From a perspective of a person’s health, phenols from all sources, including yucca phenols, are important in the human body’s defense systems such as, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-proliferative (inhibits tumor cell growth) activities. Many scientific studies back up this perspective.
Phenolic compounds have been linked to positive results caused by the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Plant polyphenols are dietary antioxidants, which protect against oxidative damage. As natural antioxidants, phenols from plant related foods, can easily be consumed daily.
Polyphenols react against enzymes responsible for health issues.
Dietary plant polyphenols can:
Modulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
Reduce hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance.
Improve cell function.
Stimulate insulin secretion.
Improve tissue metabolism.
Weaken inflammatory processes.
Reduce oxidative cell stress.
Prevent the development of long-term diabetes complications, including cardiovascular disease, neuropathy, and retinopathy.
Counteractions that phenols provide results in less cell damage caused by disease conditions caused by oxidation. Many studies have associated the increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, containing high levels of antioxidant compounds, with the reduced risk of certain chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Phenols from berries, fruits, vegetables, spices, and yucca could be considered a tool to prevent the development of age-related diseases by reducing inflammation and decreasing oxidative stress.
Yucca phenols are potent antioxidants and further study of this compound is expected for new discoveries for both pharmaceutical, nutraceutical products, and natural body and skin care products.
Natural Yucca Products, Corp.
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